Grönabandet - 75 Tage unterwegs auf dem Weitwanderweg zwischen Treriksröset und Grövelsjön.
Donnerstag, 20. September 2018
Donnerstag, 20. September
Very last day gröna bandet 1489.38 km
Von der Gappohytta nach Treriksröset
Von der Gappohytta nach Treriksröset
Pos N 69 03 361 E 20 32 550
Loc Treriksröset
Acc -
Dis 15.65 km
Sta 08.00
Tim 06.20
...continued hike to Goldaluokta - transfer by boat to Kilpisjärvi.
Mittwoch, 19. September
Day 75 gröna bandet 1473.73 km
Day 74 gröna bandet 1453,84
Montag, 17. September
Day 73 gröna bandet 1436.32 km
Von der Dividalshytta zur Daertahytta
Pos N 68 49 147 E 20 06 536
Loc Nye Daertahytta 748m
Acc Hytta
Dis 24.99 km
Sta 07.50
End 17.50
Tim 10.00
Ich verließ die Dividalshytta am frühen Morgen in dichtem Nebel, rutschte auf dem Eis in den gefrorenen Pfützen auf dem Weg.
Doch schon bald lichteten sich die Wolken und die Sonne bahnte sich ihren Weg mit aller Kraft - ein spektakuläres Schauspiel

Loc Nye Daertahytta 748m
Acc Hytta
Dis 24.99 km
Sta 07.50
End 17.50
Tim 10.00
Doch schon bald lichteten sich die Wolken und die Sonne bahnte sich ihren Weg mit aller Kraft - ein spektakuläres Schauspiel

Sonntag, 16. September
Day 72 🌧🌧
Zero day
Loc Nye Dividalshytta
Acc Hytta
Spending a lonely and rainy day in the hut ...
Acc Hytta
Spending a lonely and rainy day in the hut ...
Loving arms
Words and music by Tom Jans
If you could see me now
The one who said that he’d rather roam
The one who said he'd rather be alone
If you could only see me now
The one who said that he’d rather roam
The one who said he'd rather be alone
If you could only see me now
If I could hold you now
Just for a moment, if I could really make you mine
Just for a while turn back the hands of time
If I could only hold you now
Just for a moment, if I could really make you mine
Just for a while turn back the hands of time
If I could only hold you now
I've been too long in the wind
Too long in the rain
Takin' any comfort that I can
Looking back and longing for the freedom of my chains
And lying in your lovin' arms again
Too long in the rain
Takin' any comfort that I can
Looking back and longing for the freedom of my chains
And lying in your lovin' arms again
If you could hear me now
Singin' somewhere in the lonely night
Dreaming of the arms that hold me tight
If you could only hear me now
Singin' somewhere in the lonely night
Dreaming of the arms that hold me tight
If you could only hear me now
I've been too long in the wind
Too long in the rain
Takin' any comfort that I can
Looking back and longing for the freedom of my chains
And lying in your lovin' arms again
Too long in the rain
Takin' any comfort that I can
Looking back and longing for the freedom of my chains
And lying in your lovin' arms again
Day 71 gröna bandet 1411.33 km
Von der Vuomahytta zur Dividalshytta
Freitag, 14. September 2018
Day 70 gröna bandet 1392,88 🌧☁️ 4-8 O 2-5 m/s
Von der Gaskashytta zur Vuomahytta
Von der Gaskashytta zur Vuomahytta
Pos N 68 40 340 E 19 29 123
Loc Vuomahytta 739 m
Acc Hytta
Dis 17.73 km
Sta 07.45
End 14.45
Tim 07.00 hrs
Donnerstag, 13. September 2018
Day 69 gröna bandet 1375.15 🌥☁️ 7-10 W 2-3 m/s
Von der Altevasshytta zur Gaskashytta
Von der Altevasshytta zur Gaskashytta
Pos N 68 39 327 E 19 07 123
Loc Gaskashytta
Acc Hytta
Dis 12.98 km
Sta 12.40
End 17.40
Tim 05.00 hrs
Mittwoch, 12. September 2018
Day 68 gröna bandet 1362,17 🌥☁️ 7-15 S 5 m/s
Von der Pålnostugan zur Altevasshytta
Von der Pålnostugan zur Altevasshytta
Pos N 68 39 480 E 18 53 260
Loc Altevasshytta 540 m
Acc Hytta
Dis 28.46 km
Sta 07.45
End 19.45
Tim 12.00 hrs
Dienstag, 11. September 2018
Step VI From Abisko to Treriksröset
Day 67 gröna bandet 1333,71 plus ☁️🌥🌧 7-15 S 5 m/s
Von der STF Abisko Fjällstation zur Pålnostugan
Day 67 gröna bandet 1333,71 plus ☁️🌥🌧 7-15 S 5 m/s
Von der STF Abisko Fjällstation zur Pålnostugan
Montag, 10. September 2018
Montag, 10. September
Day 66 gröna bandet 1304,65 ☀️
Day 66 gröna bandet 1304,65 ☀️
Pos N
Loc STF Abisko Fjällstation
Acc Room
Dis 14.36 km plus 5,46 km Abisko östra
Sta 08.00
End 12.00
Tim 04.00 hrs
Day 66 ...gave me kicks... I decided not to rest tomorrow, but to continue my hike.
It has been a wonderful week of Indian summer with warm or mild temperatures, little wind and lots of sunshine. The forests are turning yellow and the fjäll vegetation from bright red to dark red and all kinds of brown. Soooo beautiful!
Day 65 gröna bandet 1284.53 ☀️
Pos N
Loc STF Abiskojaurestugan 492 m
Acc Stuga
Dis 21.74 km
Sta 08.30
End 15.30
Tim 07.00 hrs
Day 64 gröna bandet 1262,79 ☁️🌤
Pos N
Loc STF Alesjaurestugan 795 m
Acc Stuga
Dis 26.77 km
Sta 07.45
End 17.45
Tim 10.00 hrs
Freitag, 7. September
Day 63 gröna bandet 1236.02 🌤
Pos N
Loc STF Sälka 874 m
Acc Stuga
Dis 20.17 km
Sta 10.00
End 17.00
Tim 07.00 hrs
Loc STF Sälka 874 m
Acc Stuga
Dis 20.17 km
Sta 10.00
End 17.00
Tim 07.00 hrs
Day 62 gröna bandet 1215.85 🌤
Pos N
Loc Camp i Fjällen, 6 km south of STF Singi
Acc Soulo
Dis 14.55 km
Sta 09.45
End 17.00
Tim 07.15
Mittwoch, 5. September 2018
Day 61 gröna bandet 1201.03 🌤 7-11 S-E 6 m/s
STF Vakkotavare - STF Teusajaure
STF Vakkotavare - STF Teusajaure
Pos N
Loc STF Teusajaure
Acc Stuga
Dis 14.86 km incl. roddled 0,86 km
Sta 13.00
End 18.30
Tim 05.30
My equipment - Lundhags high
So far I have been very content with my new 'bear paws'. Warm, comfortable, stable and an excellent grip in any terrain. But now the claws come off, well, it‘s actually the sole of the left boot that comes off. I found out yesterday, when I stumbled on tarmac, on an even road to Vaccotavare. That‘s really bad news. Options for a repair are low here. Hoping to survive with these boots till Abisko. Asked to send new ones there.
So far I have been very content with my new 'bear paws'. Warm, comfortable, stable and an excellent grip in any terrain. But now the claws come off, well, it‘s actually the sole of the left boot that comes off. I found out yesterday, when I stumbled on tarmac, on an even road to Vaccotavare. That‘s really bad news. Options for a repair are low here. Hoping to survive with these boots till Abisko. Asked to send new ones there.
Dienstag, 4. September 2018
Day 60 gröna bandet 1186,44 ☁️
From Autsutjstgan via STF Saltoluokta to STF Vakkotavare
From Autsutjstgan via STF Saltoluokta to STF Vakkotavare
Pos N 67 34 544. E 18 06 022
Loc STF Vakkotavare 431 m
Acc Stuga
Dis 40.43 km
Sta 08.15
End 20.15
Tim 12.00 hrs
Boat Transfer Saltoluokta-Kebnats
Dis 2.07 km
Sta 12.15
End 12.30
Loc STF Vakkotavare 431 m
Acc Stuga
Dis 40.43 km
Sta 08.15
End 20.15
Tim 12.00 hrs
Boat Transfer Saltoluokta-Kebnats
Dis 2.07 km
Sta 12.15
End 12.30
Montag, 3. September 2018
Day 59 gröna bandet 1146.01
From camp i fjällen via STF Sitojaure to Autsutjstugan
From camp i fjällen via STF Sitojaure to Autsutjstugan
Pos N 67 19 248 E 18 29 591
Loc Autsutjstugan
Acc emergency hut
Dis 20.56
Boat Transfer Sitojaure
Dis 3.88 km
Sta 13.30
End 14.00
Loc Autsutjstugan
Acc emergency hut
Dis 20.56
Boat Transfer Sitojaure
Dis 3.88 km
Sta 13.30
End 14.00
Sonntag, 2. September 2018
Samstag, 1. September 2018
Day 57 gröna bandet 1108.75 ☁️
Pos N 67 08 900 E 18 18 333
Loc STF Aktse
Acc Stugan
Dis 15.56 km including roddled 3 km
Sta 10.00
End 17.00
Tim 07.00 hrs
Loc STF Aktse
Acc Stugan
Dis 15.56 km including roddled 3 km
Sta 10.00
End 17.00
Tim 07.00 hrs
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