Grönabandet - 75 Tage unterwegs auf dem Weitwanderweg zwischen Treriksröset und Grövelsjön.
Sonntag, 19. Februar 2017
... getting ready for Padjelanta.
Nichtsdestotrotz ... oder deswegen? ...wir sind bei den letzten Vorbereitungen für die diesjährige Wintertour - Padjelanta. Im März geht's los. Wird es wieder so abenteuerlich?
Samstag, 4. Februar 2017
When planning the route and for orientation on the way I used and will use my Garmin GPS device 62st; but other hikers - like Svante (see link below*) - get along or even prefer to work with online maps and just use their smartphone (iPhone or Android) on the way. Florian sends me an email:
Hallo Michael!
Ich plane mit diesen beiden Onlinekarten, lege mir auf dem Bildschirm Norwegen nach links/Westen und Schweden nach rechts/Osten, dann kann man schön planen. Falls man unsicher ist, ob die Höhe stimmt, sind die durchnummerierten Grenzsteine (riksröse) ein guter Anhalt.
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Map of Norway - west - on the left, and Sweden - east - on the right |
These maps are obviously excellent in detail and the tools seem to offer quite a few options.
So working with free online maps and the GPS function on the smartphone seems to be a much cheaper option.
I have almost no experience with online maps or apps, but recently I had a look at outdooractive. You can also plan your routes, the app suggests routes, you can change routes etc. For day hikes and local outdoor activities quite attractive.
But how much do you depend on the net in the wilderness? Does and ... how does it work? How good is the aerial and the GPS reception? And - with Garmin also - you have to think of the energy supply. With 62st I can use batteries. Another question might be: how shock- and waterproof is your smartphone?
*This is the link to Svante's blog. See index card: kartan i smartphone.
In addition I got information about two apps, the first from Svante:
... the app "MapApp Topo" is now very, very good. They have last month new maps (Lantmäteriet) that are really updated. Scale 1:50.000 instead of 1:100.000. You can not buy a paper map with scale 1:50.000. MapApp Topo does not work with Iphone (IOS), only with Android. I love this app and I always used the smartphone instead the paper maps during my hiking.
In addition I got information about two apps, the first from Svante:
... the app "MapApp Topo" is now very, very good. They have last month new maps (Lantmäteriet) that are really updated. Scale 1:50.000 instead of 1:100.000. You can not buy a paper map with scale 1:50.000. MapApp Topo does not work with Iphone (IOS), only with Android. I love this app and I always used the smartphone instead the paper maps during my hiking.
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