When planning the route and for orientation on the way I used and will use my Garmin GPS device 62st; but other hikers - like Svante (see link below*) - get along or even prefer to work with online maps and just use their smartphone (iPhone or Android) on the way. Florian sends me an email:
Hallo Michael!
Ich plane mit diesen beiden Onlinekarten, lege mir auf dem Bildschirm Norwegen http://www.norgeskart.no/#11/365381/7062141 nach links/Westen und Schweden https://kso.etjanster.lantmateriet.se/ nach rechts/Osten, dann kann man schön planen. Falls man unsicher ist, ob die Höhe stimmt, sind die durchnummerierten Grenzsteine (riksröse) ein guter Anhalt.
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Map of Norway - west - on the left, and Sweden - east - on the right |
These maps are obviously excellent in detail and the tools seem to offer quite a few options.
So working with free online maps and the GPS function on the smartphone seems to be a much cheaper option.
I have almost no experience with online maps or apps, but recently I had a look at outdooractive. You can also plan your routes, the app suggests routes, you can change routes etc. For day hikes and local outdoor activities quite attractive. https://www.outdooractive.com/de/
But how much do you depend on the net in the wilderness? Does and ... how does it work? How good is the aerial and the GPS reception? And - with Garmin also - you have to think of the energy supply. With 62st I can use batteries. Another question might be: how shock- and waterproof is your smartphone?
*This is the link to Svante's blog. See index card: kartan i smartphone.
In addition I got information about two apps, the first from Svante:
... the app "MapApp Topo" is now very, very good. They have last month new maps (Lantmäteriet) that are really updated. Scale 1:50.000 instead of 1:100.000. You can not buy a paper map with scale 1:50.000. MapApp Topo does not work with Iphone (IOS), only with Android. I love this app and I always used the smartphone instead the paper maps during my hiking.
In addition I got information about two apps, the first from Svante:
... the app "MapApp Topo" is now very, very good. They have last month new maps (Lantmäteriet) that are really updated. Scale 1:50.000 instead of 1:100.000. You can not buy a paper map with scale 1:50.000. MapApp Topo does not work with Iphone (IOS), only with Android. I love this app and I always used the smartphone instead the paper maps during my hiking.
Hi there!
AntwortenLöschenYou find the answers to most of these questions in the following link
https://www.walkhighlands.co.uk/safety/gps-smartphones.shtml .
To sum up, a smart phone is no substitute för map + compass + navigation skills. But it works as acurate as a stand alone satnav and it works off the cell phone grid. A satnav is more solid. And you would´nt like to put all your eggs in one basket, you might need your phone for getting into contact with mountain rescue.
AntwortenLöschenvery informative website indeed. Thank you.