Donnerstag, 8. Juni 2017


...about the norwegian huts - prices differ.  

According to my plan I will visit Norwegian huts only during the first stage of my tour - between Treriksröset and Abisko. Svante already gave me the information, that the prices there are really cheap - 60 NOK per overnight stay for me as senior and STF member. It might be interesting to hear though, that prices in Norwegian huts differ a lot depending on the DNT area or group. 

We have reduction on the DNT-membership for senior. 
As STF-members you will get membership-price in the cabins, also in Norway.

Most local DNT-groups only have different prices for members and non-members.
Troms turlag (from Treriksrøysa to Lappjordhytta) is the only one with reduction for senior for the overnigthstay. From age 67 and older it is NOK 60,-
From Narvik (Hunddalshytta) and further south it costs NOK 150,- for all members.
The local DNT-groups have different prices. So see the prices at each cabin.
Troms turlag:
Narvik turistforening:
Further south:

There is detailed information about the huts between Treriksrøysa and Lappjordhytta; stage 1 of my hike.

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