Unterwegs auf dem Padjelantaleden ...
Tag 12 Tarraluopal - Såmmarlappa
Am Donnerstagmorgen wage ich kaum anzurufen, weil es draußen immer noch stark weht. Bei dem Wind will ich nicht los ..., aber es kommt die erlösende Nachricht. Nach zwei Tagen und drei Nächten können wir die Hütte verlassen:
They forecast 9 m/s for the morning between 8 and 12, after lunch 3 to 8 m/s; only after 5pm the wind will increase again. Over.
That sounds great to us, what's your advice? Over.
If you want to go, you should go now. The wind will be at your back. Further down in Tarradalen you will also find more protection. Over.
Ok. That's good news. ...
How many kilometers do you go per hour? Over.
Well, in average - including breaks - we go about 2.5 depending on snow conditions and the terrain of course; with the wind in our back maybe a little faster. We can start at 9 am. Over.
So you'll be there by 3pm. That's fine. Over.
I'll give you a call once we have reached Såmmarlappa. Bye for now. Over.
How many kilometers do you go per hour? Over.
Well, in average - including breaks - we go about 2.5 depending on snow conditions and the terrain of course; with the wind in our back maybe a little faster. We can start at 9 am. Over.
So you'll be there by 3pm. That's fine. Over.
I'll give you a call once we have reached Såmmarlappa. Bye for now. Over.
I'd like to send a big THANK YOU! to the Swedish police for their calm, clear and competent advice as well as for their concern and for their encouraging, supportive and friendly way they talked to us on the phone. Tack så mycket!

Oben im Kahlfjäll hat der Wind den losen Schnee weggeblasen, auf fester Schneedecke und mit Rückenwind kommen wir gut voran; weiter unten im Tal zwischen den Bäumen liegt er hoch und wir haben Mühe zu spuren.
Drei Schneemobile mit beladenen Anhängern kommen uns am anderen Ufer entgegen. Als das Gelände auf unserer Seite zu schwierig wird, wechseln wir auf das rechte Flussufer und folgen deren Spur.
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