Montag, 2. Oktober 2017


Das Gewicht des Rucksacks bzw. der Ausrüstung. 

Mein Rucksack wiegt theoretisch 24 kg (nach  Packliste inkl. Verpflegung, etc.) zu Beginn einer Etappe; die Waagen in Abisko und Kvikkjokk zeigten mehr an. Gegen Ende einer Etappe habe ich den Rucksack nicht als große Last empfunden. Mit einem Gewicht von (knapp) unter 20 kg komme ich zurecht. 

Ich war oft sehr angestrengt. Der schwere Rucksack mag als ein Puzzlestein mit dazu beigetragen haben, dass ich die Tour abgebrochen habe. 
Die Erfahrungen anderer Wanderer sind insofern interessant für mich und geben Anlass zu weiteren Überlegungen. Mit weniger Gewicht geht man leichter, schafft man längere
Distanzen, ist weniger erschöpft, weniger unfallgefährdet und weniger Belastungen ausgesetzt. 

Ola (see day 10) schreibt mir zum Ende meiner Tour auf Instagram und über seine Erfahrungen:

akerstromolaGreat job Michael! Last summer I did exactly the same trip as you and also felt fit reaching Hemavan. But it was not meant to be that year. GR is still there for you. This year I decided to start from the south and was counting on being a section hiker to Hemavan and compleate GR there, only dividing it into two sections ocer two years.
akerstromolaI learned from my experience and the big difference this time was UL gear and not carrying to much food. Less food, less weight , longer distances, shorter time between resupply towns. I was really supriced how short time it took before I was in Hemavan and decided to continue. The second half I was even stronger, lighter in body weight, fitter and also more clever how to optimize my food load. AND it was my previous year that gave me the experience to do all this.
akerstromolaNext time if you decide to go , everything will be very different. GR will never be easy, but your experience from this trip will be of huge help to give you a nice next trip! It was a great experience to meet you in the mountains! Hope we meet again in the future!

Später schickt Ola folgende Übersichten (ohne Quellenangabe). 
Über welches Gewicht sprechen wir? Was genau ist eigentlich mit der jeweiligen Gewichtsbezeichnung gemeint? 

  • akerstromolaSkin Out Weight is the most fair, but least used measurement . The bookkeeping is easily manipulated by stuffing the pockets with gear that otherwise would sort as Base Weight

Fazit (conclusion) 1: Gehe mit leichterer Ausrüstung:
  • auf dem Kungsleden keine Verpflegung für mehrere Tage schleppen; in vielen Hütten kann man Verpflegung kaufen. 
  • alle Ausrüstungsgegenstände einer kritischen Überprüfung - eventuell weglassen oder austauschen - unterziehen mit dem Ziel unter 20 kg (Packweight) zu bleiben. Zu einer UL Tour kann ich mich - bei dem Wetter  in Schweden und Norwegen - nicht entschließen, das ist mir schlicht zu unsicher, auch zu unbequem, kalt und nass. 

2 Kommentare:

  1. Hello Michael,

    I agree with all that Ola has been written to you as comments, he gave you some very good advices.
    This message from me to you is because I want to encourage you to try again.
    Try to complete the entire Gröna Bandet at perhaps year 2019.

    Leif Eriksson is near 70 years old and he did not finish the Gröna Bandet at year 2015.
    But this time, year 2017, he managed to turn the hiking to a success.
    Two days ago he reached Grövelsjöns Fjällstation and he was very happy.
    We were there to meet and celebrate him.
    He had lost a lot of weight 12,5 kg; from 98 kg down to 85,5 kg.

    The secret behind his success could possibly be something for you to learn from.
    He started in year 2015 to do a lot of training. He went on gymnastic to build up strength in his back and in his legs. Also he made a lot of hikings with a heavy backpack. Leifs was not UL (Ultra Light) because his backpack was 22 kg at start of a stage and 15 kg at end, when the food was empty.

    As Ola wrote, it is a good idea to have more depots and to buy food in villages that you pass through.
    Also you should fight for less weight on your backpack. Here are some samples:
    o Backpack e.g. Osprey Xenith 2,4 kg instead of Fjällräven Kaika 3,7 kg
    o Tent e.g. Hilleberg Enan 1,2 kg instead of Hilleberg Soulo 2,4 kg
    o Leave your camera at home 1,35 kg
    o and more … … … and more

    I guess that you have a lot of followers in Germany, so you sure do a lot of PR (Public Relations) to Gröna Bandet and to the mountains in Sweden.

    You can find addresses of more depots by looking at my homepage (my blog) at “Depots / Bussgods”:

    Good luck Michael and in future you are welcome back to the mountains in Sweden!
    / Svante Sundelin

    1. Hello Svante,
      thanks very much for your helpful suggestions. I will continue reflecting reasons stopping the tour after half time. There is a bunch of things that played a role, not only the heavy backpack. Actually, the weight of the backpack was not that important. Company (for a certain time) could have helped me, or a different attitude towards the weather. More comfort while camping, etc.
      But of course ... reflecting these aspects means ... I might try again another year. Yes!
